Our Dragonfly Tiles & Striped Pots Go Global & Local!
We’ve been very touched to hear from our Collectors around the world of sightings of our Dragonfly Tiles and Cottage Stripe Tableware – courtesy of telly show Grand Designs and James Strangeways’ simple but stylish new build on Romney Marsh. So far we know our work has been seen in Denmark, France, Germany, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, please do let us know if you spot us anywhere else – we’re small enough that keeping tabs is hard as we keep up with making pots. And our talented paintress Julia Catt is enjoying her global fame!
We’d also like to say we were very pleased to see a wonderful interview with James Strangeways closer to home – in Sussex Life Magazine. It’s well worth a read, not least because the interview was after the television programme actually went out on Channel 4. You can read the piece if you click here.