Jamie Oliver Magazine

Jamie Oliver’s foodie mag “Jamie” included Rye in their recent guide to the best Gourmet Getaways in the UK – and quite right too we say.

Many thanks to journo Claire Nelson for including Rye Pottery and a pic of one of our decorating team hand-painting one of our sheep.

It’s not the kind you can eat though Jamie…


Liniere (リンネル) magazine

Liniere リンネル February 2015 - Visit London and Rye - SmJapanese women’s magazine Liniere リンネル has published an article suggesting readers consider a trip to Rye when visiting London. Thanks to Sayaka Hirakawa and Atsuko Chiba for including us.

Click here to read the Liniere article, in addition to great suggestions for places to visit in Rye, there’s also a great feature on places to visit in London
