Country Life – Feature on regional potteries

Rye Pottery In Country Life - hand painted figures from the English Countryside Chaucer 1066 1

Our thanks to Country Life who featured Rye Pottery in a knowledgeable article about regional potteries – not just us! It was written by the thoughtful journalist, Matthew Dennison. Thank you to all. To read the article click right here


Jamie Oliver Magazine

Jamie Oliver’s foodie mag “Jamie” included Rye in their recent guide to the best Gourmet Getaways in the UK – and quite right too we say.

Many thanks to journo Claire Nelson for including Rye Pottery and a pic of one of our decorating team hand-painting one of our sheep.

It’s not the kind you can eat though Jamie…instagraminstagram&nbsp

Dogs & Puppies now available in three new colours

Rye Pottery - Ceramic Dogs & Puppies in New COlourways 2014 - Low res1

We know lots of our customers like to group these little fellas together, so this spring/summer we’ve produced a limited edition run of our popular Ceramic Puppies & Dogs in three (oh yes) new colourways. And collectors will be pleased to know this is the first time they’ve been painted in these colours.

They’re designed to compliment our focus this season on Flamingo Pink, Cobalt Blue and our fresh new Paris Green.

Click here to find out more.


The New All White Collection

Ceramic Goats - Tracery Detail 1 smNew our “All White Collection”…

This elegant new colourway for Rye Pottery sees our “Sheep”, the Ram & Ewe, alongside the Billy & Nanny Goats sporting glossy, white textured coats accompanied by soft charcoal faces and detailing. Our classic Ducks are also available as part of the All White Collection, as well as the timeless ceramic Owls, originally modelled by our post-war co-founder Wally Cole.

As ever each individual piece is hand-made using traditional slip-casting techniques and then hand-painted, decorated and initialled by our talented paintresses. Click on the links above to see them all in more detail.

There are plans afoot to extend this range, so watch this space.


Jade & Pink and Fabulous Cockatoos!


Ok, so we’re singing our own trumpet, but if we didn’t love them, well, we wouldn’t decide to include them formally in the Rye Pottery Exotic Animals Collection now would we?

So, new for Autumn/Winter 2013, we’d officially like to introduce our new colourway for our Cockatoos – Jade with Pink Wing or, Pink with Jade Wing.

Like all our animals, while these are sold singly, we think they’re great fun as a “Mismatched Pair”. And of course they’re still available in Charcoal & Radiccio too.

Click here to find out more.instagraminstagram&nbsp

Rye Pottery’s Sussex Pigs on the BBC

Sussex Pigs - ceramic pigs painted individually to order and waiting to be fired in the kiln
Sussex Pigs – ceramic pigs painted individually to order and waiting to be fired in the kiln

Now nearly the end of April and we’re still very busy hand-crafting, painting and packing our Sussex Pigs.  We have been thrilled to find ourselves mailing our charming traditional Sussex wedding presents all over the country –  and indeed the world – since our appearance on the BBC’s Flog It Trade Secrets back in February.

We’ve also been delighted by how many Sussex and Kent residents spotted Quin’s television appearance, and have snapped up pigs for their own mantlepieces or to give to friends and family for weddings and anniversaries. It’s been wonderful to have so many people so keen to support a 200 year-old tradition and a ceramics firm that still decorates AND produces in Britain.

Obviously the idea of one as a wedding present instead of a real live pig has reminded us all of the more rural and leisured way of life in the 18th century – though no doubt we’d all have been thrilled to be given a real pig 200 years ago.

In our Sussex Pig archive files we have some black and white pictures of two early 19th century Sussex pigs that are owned by the Museum at Williamsburg Virginia; unfortunately when visiting ourselves, the curator on the day was unable to tell us how they had acquired their pigs. So if any of our collecors on the other side of the pond ever visit the museum and can find out more we’d love to know.

Back in Rye it’s wonderful to still be talking to customers every day who spotted our appearance on the Beeb. Many of them it seems have been waiting for the good weather so they can not only visit us, but enjoy a full day in Rye, not least lunch in one of the many great places to eat here.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Click here for more information about our Sussex Pigs
