Since 1793
The Miller
The Miller was a chap of sixteen stone,
A great stout fellow big in brawn and bone.
A wrangler and a buffoon, he had a store
Of tavern stories, filthy in the main.
The Infamous Miller, or The Dirty Miller as some of us call him, is famous to a certain generation as compulsory English Literature reading. We’ve worked hard to really bring Chaucer’s tale to life here and as a result this really is one of our most characterful figures.
He is depicted here warts and all, with a palette using mainly terracotta and cobalt blue – even his bagpipes are painstakingly hand-painted in detail to match Chaucer’s many references to all things pig and porcine in the Miller’s Tale.
We’ve also tried to be true to Chaucer’s description of the Miller’s poor old horse, which is a far cry from many of the other fine looking beasts in this series and is clearly working hard to carry his burden.